Linux command – ipmitool


關於 IPMI 的定義請參考

測試環境為 CentOS 7 x64 (適用於 RHEL)

在使用 ipmitool 可能會遇到找不到裝置的狀況

[root@localhost ~]# ipmitool 
Could not open device at /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmi/0 or [root@localhost ~]# systemctl status ipmi

先檢查一下 BMC 裝置是否存在,因為 BMC 非 PCI-E 裝置,所以只能透過 dmesg 來看.

[root@localhost ~]# lspci | grep ipmi
[root@localhost ~]# lspci | grep bmc
[root@localhost ~]# dmesg |grep -i ipmi
[   20.120464] ipmi message handler version 39.2
[   20.231682] IPMI System Interface driver.
[   20.231712] ipmi_si: probing via SMBIOS
[   20.231714] ipmi_si: SMBIOS: io 0xca8 regsize 1 spacing 1 irq 0
[   20.231715] ipmi_si: Adding SMBIOS-specified kcs state machine
[   20.231717] ipmi_si: probing via SPMI
[   20.231718] ipmi_si: SPMI: io 0xca8 regsize 1 spacing 1 irq 0
[   20.231719] ipmi_si: Adding SPMI-specified kcs state machine duplicate interface
[   20.231721] ipmi_si: Trying SMBIOS-specified kcs state machine at i/o address 0xca8, slave address 0x20, irq 0
[   20.452250] ipmi device interface
[   20.644368] ipmi_si ipmi_si.0: Found new BMC (man_id: 0x00016c, prod_id: 0x4147, dev_id: 0x20)
[   20.644385] ipmi_si ipmi_si.0: IPMI kcs interface initialized

ipmi 相關模組是否正確

[root@localhost ~]# lsmod |grep -i ipmi
ipmi_devintf           17572  0 
ipmi_si                53582  0 
ipmi_msghandler        46608  2 ipmi_devintf,ipmi_si

目前我系統有用的 ipmi 模組

  • ipmi_devintf
    Linux character device interface for the message handler.
  • ipmi_si
    An IPMI system interface driver for the message handler. This module supports various IPMI system interfaces such as KCS, BT, SMIC, and even SMBus (可以透過 SMBIOS Type 38 來看目前系統支援哪一些 interface #dmidecode -t 38).
  • ipmi_msghandler
    Incoming and outgoing message handler for IPMI interfaces.

其他 ipmi 可用的模組

  • ipmi_smb
    The SMBus driver allows up to 4 SMBus devices to be configured in the system.
  • ipmi_watchdog
    A watchdog timer is provided that implements the Linux-standard watchdog timer interface.
  • ipmi_poweroff
    Some systems support the ability to be turned off via IPMI commands.
  • ipmi_ssif
    A driver for accessing BMCs on the SMBus. It uses the I2C kernel driver’s SMBus interfaces to send and receive IPMI messages over the SMBus.SSIF (使用 SMBUS 協定,透過 I²C 的線路)

依據不同系統的應用,除了 IPMI 所需模組外還需要 i2c 的模組,請參考

[root@localhost ~]# lsmod |grep -i i2c
i2c_i801               22418  0 
i2c_algo_bit           13413  2 igb,mgag200
i2c_core               40756  6 drm,igb,i2c_i801,drm_kms_helper,mgag200,i2c_algo_bit


[root@localhost ~]# yum install OpenIPMI ipmitool

ipmi 服務確認有 enable (開機要啟動) , start (立即啟動)

[root@localhost ~]# systemctl enable ipmi
[root@localhost ~]# systemctl start ipmi
[root@localhost ~]# systemctl status ipmi
● ipmi.service - IPMI Driver
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ipmi.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (exited) since Wed 2017-04-19 14:34:36 CST; 38min ago
  Process: 1190 ExecStart=/usr/libexec/openipmi-helper start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 1190 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   CGroup: /system.slice/ipmi.service

沒有錯誤時 Loaded 為 loaded , Active 為 active .

這時候就可以試試看下面指令,來確認 BMC / IPMI 的狀態.

[root@localhost ~]# ipmitool mc info
Device ID                 : 32
Device Revision           : 3
Firmware Revision         : 1.04
IPMI Version              : 2.0
Manufacturer ID           : 364
Manufacturer Name         : Unknown (0x16C)
Product ID                : 16711 (0x4147)
Product Name              : Unknown (0x4147)
Device Available          : yes
Provides Device SDRs      : no
Additional Device Support :
    Sensor Device
    SEL Device
    FRU Inventory Device
    IPMB Event Receiver
    IPMB Event Generator
Aux Firmware Rev Info     : 

ipmitool 的應用:


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