因為是實驗性質所以我常重啟啓動 MariaDB Galera Cluster ,但下次開機後會發現 Cluster 都沒有起來.
# service mysql start --wsrep-new-cluster # service mysql bootstrap Starting MySQL................................... ERROR!
- gcomm:// 設定為空值
我們要先找到最後一個關機的 Node ,執行啟動指令時先避開 server.cnf 裡面設定好的 gcomm .# service mysql start --wsrep-cluster-address="gcomm://"
但問題是我根本不記得最後關機的是誰啊!!我們可以先直接修改 server.cnf 的 gcomm:// 把它設定為空值.
# vi /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf ..... wsrep_cluster_address='gcomm://'
等正確無誤實在把 gcomm 修改回來,不過可能會有一些同步上的問題.
- 誰是最大 wsrep_last_committed
要先找出誰的 wsrep_last_committed 是最大的,就可以把它當作第一個啟動的node (Primary) ,但問題是 Cluster 這時候已經起不來,怎麼有辦法透過 # mysql -u root -p -e “show status like ‘wsrep%'” 來檢查!!修改每個 node 的 server.cnf 設定檔,把 gcomm:// 設定加入 ?pc.wait_prim=no
# vi /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf ..... wsrep_cluster_address='gcomm://'
等每個 node 啟動之後,檢查誰的 wsrep_last_committed 是最大的,設定他為 primary node 即可.
# mysql -u root -p -e "show status like 'wsrep%'" | grep -i last wsrep_last_committed | 7
# mysql-u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 7 Server version: 5.5.51-MariaDB-wsrep Source distribution, wsrep_25.14.r9949137 Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. MariaDB [(none)]> SET GLOBAL wsrep_provider_options="pc.bootstrap=true";
最後檢查一下 wsrep_ready 狀態是 ON , wsrep_cluster_size , wsrep_incoming_addresses 的設定是否相同.
# mysql -u root -p -e "show status like 'wsrep%'" Enter password: +------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | wsrep_local_state_uuid | cf44fbea-6e9c-11e6-a4eb-37fc80383cb5 | | wsrep_protocol_version | 7 | | wsrep_last_committed | 7 | | wsrep_replicated | 0 | | wsrep_replicated_bytes | 0 | | wsrep_repl_keys | 0 | | wsrep_repl_keys_bytes | 0 | | wsrep_repl_data_bytes | 0 | | wsrep_repl_other_bytes | 0 | | wsrep_received | 2 | | wsrep_received_bytes | 213 | | wsrep_local_commits | 0 | | wsrep_local_cert_failures | 0 | | wsrep_local_replays | 0 | | wsrep_local_send_queue | 0 | | wsrep_local_send_queue_max | 1 | | wsrep_local_send_queue_min | 0 | | wsrep_local_send_queue_avg | 0.000000 | | wsrep_local_recv_queue | 0 | | wsrep_local_recv_queue_max | 1 | | wsrep_local_recv_queue_min | 0 | | wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg | 0.000000 | | wsrep_local_cached_downto | 18446744073709551615 | | wsrep_flow_control_paused_ns | 0 | | wsrep_flow_control_paused | 0.000000 | | wsrep_flow_control_sent | 0 | | wsrep_flow_control_recv | 0 | | wsrep_cert_deps_distance | 0.000000 | | wsrep_apply_oooe | 0.000000 | | wsrep_apply_oool | 0.000000 | | wsrep_apply_window | 0.000000 | | wsrep_commit_oooe | 0.000000 | | wsrep_commit_oool | 0.000000 | | wsrep_commit_window | 0.000000 | | wsrep_local_state | 4 | | wsrep_local_state_comment | Synced | | wsrep_cert_index_size | 0 | | wsrep_causal_reads | 0 | | wsrep_cert_interval | 0.000000 | | wsrep_incoming_addresses |,= | | wsrep_desync_count | 0 | | wsrep_evs_delayed | | | wsrep_evs_evict_list | | | wsrep_evs_repl_latency | 0/0/0/0/0 | | wsrep_evs_state | OPERATIONAL | | wsrep_gcomm_uuid | e1efc27a-6f94-11e6-8b05-9fdee394642f | | wsrep_cluster_conf_id | 4 | | wsrep_cluster_size | 2 | | wsrep_cluster_state_uuid | cf44fbea-6e9c-11e6-a4eb-37fc80383cb5 | | wsrep_cluster_status | Primary | | wsrep_connected | ON | | wsrep_local_bf_aborts | 0 | | wsrep_local_index | 1 | | wsrep_provider_name | Galera | | wsrep_provider_vendor | Codership Oy <info@codership.com> | | wsrep_provider_version | 25.3.17(r3619) | | wsrep_ready | ON | | wsrep_thread_count | 2 | +------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
- 暫時加入 Cluster 的方式
其實不一定要去修改 server.cnf 檔案才可以加入到 Cluster ,可以先將 gcomm:// 留空白,再手動加入到 Cluster .- Node1 : cn167 , IP –
- Node2 : cn168 , IP –
- Node3 (暫時加入的方式) : cn169 , IP –
[root@cn169 ~]# mysql -u root -p -e "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'wsrep_cluster_address';" Enter password: +-----------------------+----------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------------+----------+ | wsrep_cluster_address | gcomm:// | +-----------------------+----------+ [root@cn169 ~]# mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 7 Server version: 5.5.51-MariaDB-wsrep Source distribution, wsrep_25.14.r9949137 Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. MariaDB [(none)]> SET GLOBAL wsrep_cluster_address='gcomm://,'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (3.02 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'wsrep_cluster_address'; +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | wsrep_cluster_address | gcomm://, | +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> quit; Bye
檢查一下看看是否已經成功加入. wsrep_cluster_size 應該為 3 而 wsrep_incoming_addresses 會列出三台 Cluster Node IP ( , , )
[root@cn169 ~]# netstat -anlp | grep -e 4567 -e 3306 -e 4568 -e 4444 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2572/mysqld tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2572/mysqld tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 2572/mysqld tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 2572/mysqld [root@cn169 ~]# mysql -u root -p -e "show status like 'wsrep%'" Enter password: +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | wsrep_local_state_uuid | 4ddf508c-7638-11e6-a1d3-fba5ec4dd49e | | wsrep_protocol_version | 7 | | wsrep_last_committed | 1 | | wsrep_replicated | 0 | | wsrep_replicated_bytes | 0 | | wsrep_repl_keys | 0 | | wsrep_repl_keys_bytes | 0 | | wsrep_repl_data_bytes | 0 | | wsrep_repl_other_bytes | 0 | | wsrep_received | 5 | | wsrep_received_bytes | 488 | | wsrep_local_commits | 0 | | wsrep_local_cert_failures | 0 | | wsrep_local_replays | 0 | | wsrep_local_send_queue | 0 | | wsrep_local_send_queue_max | 1 | | wsrep_local_send_queue_min | 0 | | wsrep_local_send_queue_avg | 0.000000 | | wsrep_local_recv_queue | 0 | | wsrep_local_recv_queue_max | 2 | | wsrep_local_recv_queue_min | 0 | | wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg | 0.200000 | | wsrep_local_cached_downto | 18446744073709551615 | | wsrep_flow_control_paused_ns | 0 | | wsrep_flow_control_paused | 0.000000 | | wsrep_flow_control_sent | 0 | | wsrep_flow_control_recv | 0 | | wsrep_cert_deps_distance | 0.000000 | | wsrep_apply_oooe | 0.000000 | | wsrep_apply_oool | 0.000000 | | wsrep_apply_window | 0.000000 | | wsrep_commit_oooe | 0.000000 | | wsrep_commit_oool | 0.000000 | | wsrep_commit_window | 0.000000 | | wsrep_local_state | 4 | | wsrep_local_state_comment | Synced | | wsrep_cert_index_size | 0 | | wsrep_causal_reads | 0 | | wsrep_cert_interval | 0.000000 | | wsrep_incoming_addresses |,, | | wsrep_desync_count | 0 | | wsrep_evs_delayed | | | wsrep_evs_evict_list | | | wsrep_evs_repl_latency | 0/0/0/0/0 | | wsrep_evs_state | OPERATIONAL | | wsrep_gcomm_uuid | 36f0ddd6-7659-11e6-9251-abb8ac160209 | | wsrep_cluster_conf_id | 3 | | wsrep_cluster_size | 3 | | wsrep_cluster_state_uuid | 4ddf508c-7638-11e6-a1d3-fba5ec4dd49e | | wsrep_cluster_status | Primary | | wsrep_connected | ON | | wsrep_local_bf_aborts | 0 | | wsrep_local_index | 2 | | wsrep_provider_name | Galera | | wsrep_provider_vendor | Codership Oy <info@codership.com> | | wsrep_provider_version | 3.17(r0) | | wsrep_ready | ON | | wsrep_thread_count | 2 | +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+
- https://www.percona.com/blog/2014/09/01/galera-replication-how-to-recover-a-pxc-cluster/
- https://mariadb.com/blog/mariadb-galera-cluster-quirk-bootstrapping
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