VMware – Cannot open Virtual Machine Console


因為目前我的 VMware ESX 4 需要換環境進而 IP 也需要改變一下, 但是這改變讓我無法連上虛擬機器.凡是虛擬機器的 console 都只會秀出
"Unable to connect to the MKS: Failed to connect to server"
上 VMware 的官方網站查詢得到的結果去是需要修改 DNS , Gateway 或是 Proxy .

但是照著他的步驟還是無法生效,後來在 VMware 的官方網站上面談到如何透過 CLI (Command Line Interface)修改 Service Console 的 IP.

如果你的 VMWare 是 ESX 版本可以透過 SSH 去連到 Service Console. 或是直接到 VMware ESX 用 Alt+F# 登入到系統,目前 ESXi4 預設並不支援 SSH 需要修改設定檔,請自行參考 VMware ESXi Server 的 Command Line https://benjr.tw/6457


[root@server root]# esxcfg-vswif -i <a.b.c.d> -n <w.x.y.z> vswif0
  1. Run the following command to set the IP address:
  2. where <a.b.c.d> is the IP address and <w.x.y.z> is the subnet mask.
    Note: In this example, v swif0 is the Service Console adapter that is the interface to which you are applying the IP address change.
  3. Open the /etc/hosts file with a text editor and modify it so that it reflects the correct IP address and hostname.
  4. To change the default gateway address and the hostname, edit the /etc/sysconfig/network file and change the GATEWAY and HOSTNAME parameters to the proper values.
  5. For the changes to take place, reboot the host or restart the network service with the command:

    [root@server root]# service network restart
  6. Note: This command breaks any current network connections to the Service Console.

不過我的環境還是以 IP 和 DHCP 為主所以上面的指令會修改成.

[root@server root]# esxcfg-vswif -i DHCP vswif0
[root@server root]# esxcfg-vswif -l
[root@server root]# service network restart


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