之前介紹過 Linux 環境下的網路效能測試工具 iperf 但老實說他是一個很陽春的測試工具,在 RHEL6 的版本新增加了 qperf 為預設的網路效能測試工具,如果不是使用 RHEL6 在 rpmfind 都可以找到 rpm 檔案.
好,我們來看看 qperf 要如何使用!! 如下圖 qperf 採用的方式如同 iperf 的 Server / Client 模式進行量測.測試環境如下:
我們可以直接透過 qperf –help examples 來看,最常使用的網路效能測試參數.
[root@benjr ~]# qperf –help examples In these examples, we first run qperf on a node called myserver in server mode by invoking it with no arguments. In all the subsequent examples, we run qperf on another node and connect to the server which we assume has a hostname of myserver. * To run a TCP bandwidth and latency test: qperf myserver tcp_bw tcp_lat * To run a SDP bandwidth test for 10 seconds: qperf myserver -t 10 sdp_bw * To run a UDP latency test and then cause the server to terminate: qperf myserver udp_lat quit * To measure the RDMA UD latency and bandwidth: qperf myserver ud_lat ud_bw * To measure RDMA UC bi-directional bandwidth: qperf myserver rc_bi_bw * To get a range of TCP latencies with a message size from 1 to 64K qperf myserver -oo msg_size:1:64K:*2 -vu tcp_lat
要知道詳細的參數使用,直接用 qperf –help tests 就可以得知.
root@benjr ~]# qperf –help tests Miscellaneous conf Show configuration quit Cause the server to quit Socket Based rds_bw RDS streaming one way bandwidth rds_lat RDS one way latency sctp_bw SCTP streaming one way bandwidth sctp_lat SCTP one way latency sdp_bw SDP streaming one way bandwidth sdp_lat SDP one way latency tcp_bw TCP streaming one way bandwidth tcp_lat TCP one way latency udp_bw UDP streaming one way bandwidth udp_lat UDP one way latency RDMA Send/Receive rc_bi_bw RC streaming two way bandwidth rc_bw RC streaming one way bandwidth rc_lat RC one way latency uc_bi_bw UC streaming two way bandwidth uc_bw UC streaming one way bandwidth uc_lat UC one way latency ud_bi_bw UD streaming two way bandwidth ud_bw UD streaming one way bandwidth ud_lat UD one way latency RDMA rc_rdma_read_bw RC RDMA read streaming one way bandwidth rc_rdma_read_lat RC RDMA read one way latency rc_rdma_write_bw RC RDMA write streaming one way bandwidth rc_rdma_write_lat RC RDMA write one way latency rc_rdma_write_poll_lat RC RDMA write one way polling latency uc_rdma_write_bw UC RDMA write streaming one way bandwidth uc_rdma_write_lat UC RDMA write one way latency uc_rdma_write_poll_lat UC RDMA write one way polling latency InfiniBand Atomics rc_compare_swap_mr RC compare and swap messaging rate rc_fetch_add_mr RC fetch and add messaging rate Verification ver_rc_compare_swap Verify RC compare and swap ver_rc_fetch_add Verify RC fetch and add
其中一台當做 server 直接執行 qperf 即可.
[root@benjr ~]# qperf
另外一台當做 Client 需要使用參數
[root@benjr ~]# qperf tcp_bw tcp_lat conf tcp_bw: bw = 117 MB/sec tcp_lat: latency = 44.2 us conf: loc_node = localhost.localdomain loc_cpu = 16 Cores: Intel Xeon X5667 @ 3.07GHz loc_os = Linux 2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64 loc_qperf = 0.4.6 rem_node = localhost.localdomain rem_cpu = 16 Cores: Intel Xeon E5520 @ 2.27GHz rem_os = Linux 2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64 rem_qperf = 0.4.6
TCP 頻寬 bandwidth,以 Byte 為單位 -
TCP 的延遲 latency 時間 -
qperf 除了一般的網路測試外,支援了 RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access 遠程直接數據存取技術) 以及 InfiniBand 等特殊網路技術.
下面的例子使用了 -oo msg_size:1:64k:*2 參數
[root@benjr ~]# qperf -oo msg_size:1:64k:*2 tcp_bw tcp_lat tcp_bw: bw = 1.4 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 2.69 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 4.55 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 7.87 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 19.4 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 35.6 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 57.3 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 91.9 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 118 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 117 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 116 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 118 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 116 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 116 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 116 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 117 MB/sec tcp_lat: latency = 44.4 us tcp_lat: latency = 43.2 us tcp_lat: latency = 44.5 us tcp_lat: latency = 43.3 us tcp_lat: latency = 44.3 us tcp_lat: latency = 44.5 us tcp_lat: latency = 47.2 us tcp_lat: latency = 49.2 us tcp_lat: latency = 55 us tcp_lat: latency = 63.4 us tcp_lat: latency = 83.6 us tcp_lat: latency = 143 us tcp_lat: latency = 248 us tcp_lat: latency = 264 us tcp_lat: latency = 348 us tcp_lat: latency = 556 us
當我們需要測試多種 message size 時就可以直接使用這個參數 -oo msg_size:1:64k:*2 ,他會將 message size 從 1 以2 的幕次(1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128…)一直加到 64K 為止.
你好,我想請教一下,為什麼我用iperf測試頻寬,得到了94.3 MB/sec(我的hub是10/100MB) ,但是用qperf打卻只能得到11.7 MB/sec
如果是 Ubuntu 的話,須要自行安裝.最新版本請自行上網站查詢 https://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/qperf/