Gitlab – 遇過的問題



  • 如果遇到網頁無法開啟,或是顯示錯誤訊息,可以透過以下方式檢視 GitLab 的日誌.
    root@ben-virtual-machine:~# gitlab-ctl tail 
  • EXTERNAL_URL 設定錯誤會讓網頁無法開啟,可以透過修改設定檔.
    root@ben-virtual-machine:~# vi /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb 
    external_url ""

    執行前須注意 要把預設密碼儲存起來 ,密碼檔 /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password 將在 24 小時後第一次重新配置運行(gitlab-ctl reconfigure )時自動刪除.

    並透過指令 Reconfigure GitLab .

    root@ben-virtual-machine:~# gitlab-ctl reconfigure

    這是可以指定埠 port ,讓 Gitlab 幫我們把 Nginx (Web Server) 預設的 80 port ,透過 Port Forwarding 轉成其他 port.

    root@ben-virtual-machine:~# vi /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb 
    external_url ""

    網頁連線就須使用 成http://

  • 預設的專案 Project 或是 Repository 權限為 Private (需帳號密碼才能存取)
    可以在網頁修改為 Public 或是使用以下方式來儲存使用者帳號與密碼.

    網頁變更 project visibility

    1. Settings > General
    2. Expand Visibility, project features, permissions.
    3. Change Project visibility to either Private, Internal, or Public and Save changes.

    或是變更預設 project visibility

    1. Select Settings > General.
    2. Expand the Visibility and access controls section.
    3. Select the desired default project visibility:
    4. Select Save changes.


    root@ben-virtual-machine:~# vi ~/.netrc
    login ben
    password 111111


    root@ben-virtual-machine:~# chmod 600 ~/.netrc
  • 存放密碼的檔案 /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password 會在 24 小時後第一次重新配置運行(gitlab-ctl reconfigure )時自動刪除,訊息如下.
    Found old initial root password file at /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password and deleted it.


    root@ben-virtual-machine:~# cat /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password
    cat: /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password: No such file or directory

    可以過以下指令重新設定密碼 (至少 8碼 + 數字與英文)

    root@ben-virtual-machine:~# gitlab-rake 'gitlab:password:reset[root]'
    Enter password:
    Confirm password:
    Unable to change password of the user with username root.
    Password is too short (minimum is 8 characters)
    root@ben-virtual-machine:~# gitlab-rake 'gitlab:password:reset[root]'
    Enter password:
    Confirm password:
    Unable to change password of the user with username root.
    Password must not contain commonly used combinations of words and letters
    root@ben-virtual-machine:~# gitlab-rake 'gitlab:password:reset[root]'
    Enter password:
    Confirm password:
    Password successfully updated for user with username root.

CI 遇到的問題

  • CentOS 8 執行 git clone 會有以下的錯誤訊息
    [root@localhost ~]# git clone
    Cloning into 'runner_test'...
    (gnome-ssh-askpass:40100): Gtk-WARNING **: 01:58:56.040: cannot open display:
    error: unable to read askpass response from '/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass'
    Username for '': ^C


    [root@localhost ~]# unset SSH_ASKPASS
    [root@localhost ~]# git clone
    Cloning into 'runner_test'...
    Username for '': ben
    Password for 'http://ben@':
    remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
    remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
    Receiving objects: 100% (4/4), done.
  • 執行 Job 時出現的錯誤.
    Using SSH executor...
    ERROR: Preparation failed: ssh command Connect() error: getting host key callback: open /root/.ssh/known_hosts: no such file or directory

    需先登入 SSH Server (讓 GitLab 這邊端先產生 Key 檔案 )

    root@ben-virtual-machine:~#  ssh root@
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
    ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:gVQMC2PcfkTPQruPWXi+2MVa3WbsfCPOti7NuCNSsSw.
    This key is not known by any other names
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
    Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
    root@'s password:
    Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
    Last login: Mon Jul 17 22:52:24 2023 from
    [root@localhost ~]# exit
    Connection to closed.
  • git 無法下載
    remote: You are not allowed to download code from this project.
    fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
    ERROR: Job failed: Process exited with status 1

    預設的專案 Project 或是 Repository 權限為 Private (需帳號密碼才能存取)
    可以在網頁修改為 Public 或是使用以下方式來儲存使用者帳號與密碼.

    網頁變更 project visibility

    1. Settings > General
    2. Expand Visibility, project features, permissions.
    3. Change Project visibility to either Private, Internal, or Public and Save changes.

    或是變更預設 project visibility

    1. Select Settings > General.
    2. Expand the Visibility and access controls section.
    3. Select the desired default project visibility:
    4. Select Save changes.
  • 如有修改過 runner 設定檔案 /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml , 需要重啟 gitlab-runner 服務.
    root@ben-virtual-machine:~# systemctl restart gitlab-runner
  • Windows 端無安裝 python
    請參考 Windows 安裝 Python –

    Running with gitlab-runner 16.6.1 (f5da3c5a)
      on VM win10 XhxhUwtwA, system ID: s_6ce8c193f63e
    Preparing the "shell" executor
    Using Shell (powershell) executor...
    Preparing environment
    Running on DESKTOP-THOBKJO...
    Getting source from Git repository
    Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...
    Initialized empty Git repository in C:/GitLab-Runner/builds/XhxhUwtwA/0/root/powershell_test/.git/
    Created fresh repository.
    Checking out fa456d12 as detached HEAD (ref is main)...
    git-lfs/3.4.0 (GitHub; windows amd64; go 1.20.6; git d06d6e9e)
    Skipping Git submodules setup
    Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
    $ python3 Ben
    Python was not found; run without arguments to install from the Microsoft Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings > Manage App Execution Aliases.
    ERROR: Job failed: exit status 9009
  • 預設 shell 會使用 “pwsh”
    需到 C:\GitLab-Runner\config.toml 檔案 修改成 shell = “powershell” .

          Running with gitlab-runner 16.6.1 (f5da3c5a)
      on VM win10 XhxhUwtwA, system ID: s_6ce8c193f63e
    Preparing the "shell" executor
    Using Shell (pwsh) executor...
    Preparing environment
    ERROR: Job failed (system failure): prepare environment: failed to start process: exec: "pwsh": executable file not found in %PATH%. Check for more information
  • Windows python 路徑問題
    請參考 Windows 安裝 Python –

    Running with gitlab-runner 16.6.1 (f5da3c5a)
      on VM win10 XhxhUwtwA, system ID: s_6ce8c193f63e
    Preparing the "shell" executor
    Using Shell (powershell) executor...
    Preparing environment
    Running on DESKTOP-THOBKJO...
    Getting source from Git repository
    Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...
    Reinitialized existing Git repository in C:/GitLab-Runner/builds/XhxhUwtwA/0/root/powershell_test/.git/
    Checking out c393deb3 as detached HEAD (ref is main)...
    git-lfs/3.4.0 (GitHub; windows amd64; go 1.20.6; git d06d6e9e)
    Skipping Git submodules setup
    Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
    $ py Ben
    py : �L�k���� 'py' ���J�O�_�� Cmdlet�B���ơB���O�ɩΥi�����{�����W�١C���ˬd�W�٫��r�O�_���T�A�p�G�]�t���|���ܡA�нT�{
    ���� �u��:254 �r��:1
    + py Ben
    + ~~
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (py:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
    ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1
  • PowerShell 執行權限
    需使用 administrator 的權限去執行.

    PS C:\GitLab-Runner> .\gitlab-runner.exe install
    Runtime platform                                    arch=amd64 os=windows pid=2580 revision=f5da3c5a version=16.6.1
    FATAL: Failed to install gitlab-runner: Access is denied.

Git 遇過的問題

  • 需先回到 建立 SSH 連線所需公私鑰 步驟.
    git@ Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
    Please make sure you have the correct access rights
    and the repository exists.
  • 中文版的 VSCode 無法同意第一次要接收對方的公鑰,需改成英文版.
    第一次要下載 Gitlab 的 Project 須接受對方的公鑰卻一直卡在這邊, 我猜應該是 SSH 連線時須回答 “yes” 而不是 “是” 所造成的影響.

  • 需先回到 安裝 git 套件步驟.
  • 需先回到 git config 做初始化
  • 上傳時需寫 Commit

Gitea 遇過的問題

從 Gitlab 連線到 Gitea 抓取 repository 時出現以下的錯誤訊息.

無法使用指定的URL:「Requests to the local network are not allowed 

這是因為沒設定 Outbound requests(出站請求) , 請參考 步驟來設定.



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