Linux command – diff


指令 diff 所產生的檔案來分析兩個檔案的不同,以 以行為單位做比較,比對方式是以ASCII 純文字檔為主 ,也可以針對兩個資料夾內的檔案做比較.

[root@localhost ~]# cat file1 
# num1 add num2 example
num1 = 1.5
num2 = 6.3
# Sum of num1 and num2
sum = float(num1) + float(num2)
# Display the Result
print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'.format(num1, num2, sum))
[root@localhost ~]# cat file2
# num1 add num2 example
num1 = 1.5
num2 = 7.7
# Sum of num1 and num2
sum = float(num1) + float(num2)
# Display the Result
print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'.format(num1, num2, sum))
[root@localhost ~]# cat file3
# num1 add num2 example
num1 = 2.5
num2 = 7.7
# num1 and num2 SUM
sum = float(num1) + float(num2)
print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'.format(num1, num2, sum))
[root@localhost ~]# diff file1 file2 
< num2 = 6.3
> num2 = 7.7

顯示結果為 file1 file2 兩個檔案的差異.

  • 3c3 代表 file1第三行 (c 表示 change) 與 file2 第三行不一樣 (其他符號 – a 表示 add, c 表示 change, d 表示 delete) ,接著後面會顯示前後檔案的差異之處.
[root@localhost ~]# diff file1 file3
< num1 = 1.5
< num2 = 6.3
< # Sum of num1 and num2
> num1 = 2.5
> num2 = 7.7
> # num1 and num2 SUM
< # Display the Result
> print('Testing1')
> print('Testing2')

顯示結果為 file1 file3 兩個檔案的差異

  • 2,4c2,4 代表 file1 第二行到第四行 (c 表示 change) 與 file3 第二行到第四行不一樣 ,後面會顯示前後檔案的不同之處.
  • 6d5 代表 file1 第六行不存在 (d 表示 delete),依據 file3 第五行為基準,後面會顯示前後檔案的不同之處.
  • 7a7,8 代表 file1 第七行為基準 (a 表示 add), file3 多了第七到第八行.,後面會顯示前後檔案的不同之處.


[root@localhost ~]# diff tempdir1/ tempdir2/
diff tempdir1/file1 tempdir2/file1
< # num1 add num2 example
> ## num1 add num2 example
diff tempdir1/file3 tempdir2/file3
< print('Testing2')
> #print('Testing2')


  • -y, –side-by-side , -W, –width=NUM
    最方便人閱讀的方式,會把兩個檔案內容同時顯示出來(類似 #sdiff ),並指出差別在哪裡.
    可以搭配參數 w 來指定輸出兩個欄位大小 ,預設為 130.

    > 表示後檔案比前檔案多了一行.
    < 表示後檔案比前檔案少了一行.
    ! 表示兩者檔案差處.

    [root@localhost ~]# diff -y -W 80 file1 file3
    # num1 add num2 example                 # num1 add num2 example
    num1 = 1.5                            | num1 = 2.5
    num2 = 6.3                            | num2 = 7.7
    # Sum of num1 and num2                | # num1 and num2 SUM
    sum = float(num1) + float(num2)         sum = float(num1) + float(num2)
    # Display the Result                  <
    print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'   print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'
                                          > print('Testing1')
                                          > print('Testing2')
  • -c, -C NUM, –context[=NUM]

    + 同 a 表示 add ,表示後檔案比前檔案多了一行.
    – 同 d 表示 delete ,表示後檔案比前檔案少了一行.
    ! 同 c 表示 change ,表示兩者檔案差處.

    [root@localhost ~]# diff -c file1 file3
    *** file1	2019-07-12 15:29:38.984195404 +0800
    --- file3	2019-07-12 15:59:00.918275364 +0800
    *** 1,7 ****
      # num1 add num2 example
    ! num1 = 1.5
    ! num2 = 6.3
    ! # Sum of num1 and num2
      sum = float(num1) + float(num2)
    - # Display the Result
      print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'.format(num1, num2, sum))
    --- 1,8 ----
      # num1 add num2 example
    ! num1 = 2.5
    ! num2 = 7.7
    ! # num1 and num2 SUM
      sum = float(num1) + float(num2)
      print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'.format(num1, num2, sum))
    + print('Testing1')
    + print('Testing2')

    -c 預設把錯誤的前後 3 行的內容顯示出來,這時候可用 -C NUM 指定把有差異的前後 NUM 行顯示出來 (如 NUM =1 ,即把有差異的部分的前後一行都顯示出來)

    [root@localhost ~]# diff -c file1 file2
    *** file1	2019-07-12 15:29:38.984195404 +0800
    --- file2	2019-07-12 15:29:49.836026058 +0800
    *** 1,6 ****
      # num1 add num2 example
      num1 = 1.5
    ! num2 = 6.3
      # Sum of num1 and num2
      sum = float(num1) + float(num2)
      # Display the Result
    --- 1,6 ----
      # num1 add num2 example
      num1 = 1.5
    ! num2 = 7.7
      # Sum of num1 and num2
      sum = float(num1) + float(num2)
      # Display the Result
    [root@localhost ~]# diff -C 1 file1 file2
    *** file1	2019-07-12 15:29:38.984195404 +0800
    --- file2	2019-07-12 15:29:49.836026058 +0800
    *** 2,4 ****
      num1 = 1.5
    ! num2 = 6.3
      # Sum of num1 and num2
    --- 2,4 ----
      num1 = 1.5
    ! num2 = 7.7
      # Sum of num1 and num2
  • -u, -U NUM, –unified[=NUM]
    + 代表後檔案比前檔案多了一行.
    – 代表後檔案比前檔案少了一行.
    – 接著 + ,代表兩者檔案差處(同時多行不同時,會連續顯示 – – – 再 +++).
    @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ ,-1,7 代表前檔案從第一行顯示了 7 行, +1,8 代表後檔案從第一行顯示了 8 行.

    [root@localhost ~]# diff -u file1 file3
    --- file1	2019-07-12 15:29:38.984195404 +0800
    +++ file3	2019-07-12 15:59:00.918275364 +0800
    @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
     # num1 add num2 example
    -num1 = 1.5
    -num2 = 6.3
    -# Sum of num1 and num2
    +num1 = 2.5
    +num2 = 7.7
    +# num1 and num2 SUM
     sum = float(num1) + float(num2)
    -# Display the Result
     print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'.format(num1, num2, sum))

    -u 預設把錯誤的前後 3 行的內容顯示出來,這時候可用 -U NUM 指定把有差異的前後 NUM 行顯示出來 (如 NUM =1 ,即把有差異的部分的前後一行都顯示出來)

    [root@localhost ~]# diff -u file1 file2
    --- file1	2019-07-12 15:29:38.984195404 +0800
    +++ file2	2019-07-12 15:29:49.836026058 +0800
    @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
     # num1 add num2 example
     num1 = 1.5
    -num2 = 6.3
    +num2 = 7.7
     # Sum of num1 and num2
     sum = float(num1) + float(num2)
     # Display the Result
    [root@localhost ~]# diff -U 1 file1 file2
    --- file1	2019-07-12 15:29:38.984195404 +0800
    +++ file2	2019-07-12 15:29:49.836026058 +0800
    @@ -2,3 +2,3 @@
     num1 = 1.5
    -num2 = 6.3
    +num2 = 7.7
     # Sum of num1 and num2
  • -I, –ignore-matching-lines=RE

    [root@localhost ~]# diff file1 file3
    < num1 = 1.5
    < num2 = 6.3
    < # Sum of num1 and num2
    > num1 = 2.5
    > num2 = 7.7
    > # num1 and num2 SUM
    < # Display the Result
    > print('Testing1')
    > print('Testing2')

    不顯示包含有 num 這個關鍵字的行.

    [root@localhost ~]# diff file1 file3 -I num
    < # Display the Result
    > print('Testing1')
    > print('Testing2')

    -I 後面可以接 REGEXP (正規表示式),請參考 grep 正規表示式 說明.

  • diff + sed
    特殊用法,不比較內容有關於數字的部分,可以透過 sed 把數字刪除,然後再比較.

    [root@localhost ~]# diff file1 file3
    < num1 = 1.5
    < num2 = 6.3
    < # Sum of num1 and num2
    > num1 = 2.5
    > num2 = 7.7
    > # num1 and num2 SUM
    < # Display the Result
    > print('Testing1')
    > print('Testing2')

    ‘s/[0-9]//g’ – 刪除關於數字的內容.

    [root@localhost ~]# diff <(sed 's/[0-9]//g' file1) <(sed 's/[0-9]//g' file3)
    < # Sum of num and num
    > # num and num SUM
    < # Display the Result
    > print('Testing')
    > print('Testing')

    更多關於 sed 的用法 s/regexp/replacement/ 請參考 –



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